Thursday, May 23, 2013


My Study Load
Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.
William Arthur Ward 

A new set of challenges are coming on our way as college is just a grasp away from our reach. The quote from William Arthur Ward tells us that curiosity is always part of learning; thus it is always present when we enter a transition from the raw, young self to the mature side of us.

Questions just popped out in my mind, like “What’s college life like?”, “What‘s the difference between high school and college?”, “How ready am I to face this kind of pressure?”, etc.

I've heard testimonies from peers, teachers, elders, and my parents that college is way different from high school because it’s all about your independence. You’re on your own to decide whether you’ll accomplish your tasks or just go and try to be happy-go-lucky. They also said that college teachers and professors aren't strict about class attendance, deadline submissions, and the like.

Are you ready?
They would just record anything what you've submitted on their desk. Unlike college, high school teachers are the ones who’ll chase you until you’re caught. In shorter terms, in high school, teachers are the cats, and they’re the ones chasing mice. In college, it’s the other way around.

I know these statements have justified some of my issues. The best way to discover is still through experience as it says in the quote, “Experience is the best teacher”.

I’m pretty excited by my course. Aside from a “math-less” college program, B.A. Communication enables my communication skills to be challenged. I don’t know if I have a lot of friends enrolling in such course. 

Nevertheless, I think I’m ready, I've been preparing my talents for four years plus my elders and peers have been motivating me to carry on.

But still, curiosity is the epitome of inevitability; dozens of questions are still circling in and out of my head. Yet this new journey confronts to where our maturity stands.

We have a long way to go search and grab the finest set of answers. Life continues!

